Our House e-newsletter July 2012 | Page 5

Left: In addition to the Job Skills classes led by CAHRA, Job Trainees meet daily to discuss workplace issues with Director of Client Services Justin Sanders. Above: Graduates from the Job Training program continue to be eligible to use the Learning Center to improve their education & job skills even after finishing their Job Training term. Learning Center Teacher Brenda Reagan helps Carl, who completed his Job Training position in 2009, prepare for his Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). But then came the worry: How can we bring in qualified experts to speak on these important topics every day for three months? Enter an amazing partner of the Learning Center, the Central Arkansas Human Resources Association (CAHRA). CAHRA’s Workforce Readiness Committee, dedicated to supporting community initiatives focused on workforce readiness, gladly stepped up to the massive volunteering commitment. In their meeting last month, CAHRA members enthusiastically filled every slot for the Job Skills classes. continued on pg 6