Our House e-newsletter July 2012 | Page 10

by Michelle Salgado Allen, Learning Center Manager The last time you read about Cynthia was when she was featured in our November newsletter. Cynthia had just taken on a Job Skills Training internship as a preschool teacher in our Little Learners Child Development Center and was working her way through the Moving UP education program. Participants of the program, or Job Trainees, connect with educational and hands-on opportunities to practice these skills in a realistic setting on the campus of Our House. Through this program, we provide trainees with the experience and education they need to launch their careers and rebuild their lives. And Cynthia has done just that. Thanks to her internship and hard work, she is developing valuable work skills, cultivating new life skills, and pursuing her educational goals. Cynthia says that she’s gained many great skills while here, but the most important thing she’s done for herself and her family is attend the Learning Center’s Money Matters course. “You pay yourself first. My grandmother used to say that to me all the time, but I never understood its importance until continued on pg 12 Photo: One of Cynthia’s favorite locations at Our House is the Family House backyard with its relaxing vegetable garden, planted by Our House’s own youth, next to a vine-covered pergola built by Eagle Scout volunteer groups.