Our House e-newsletter January 2012 | Page 6

continued from page 5 Together this group of very different people, building on their common calling, created Our House. The model of community and of collective responsibility for the “least among us” that they demonstrated in those early days continues today. Twenty-five years later, supporters include Baptists, Buddhists, Catholics, Church of Christ, Episcopals, Free-Thinkers, Jews, Lutherans, Methodists, Muslims, Non-Denominational Christians, Presbyterians, Unitarians, and people of no religion at all. United States Congressman Tim Griffin and Former Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker have both spent time in the Our House kitchen preparing and serving dinner to the residents of The Shelter. Former United States Senator Blanche Lincoln, the Tea Party of Arkansas, and the Pulaski County Democratic Party have all donated to Our House. Our House has received formal, written commendations from President George H. W. Bush and President Bill Clinton hon-