Our House e-newsletter February & March 2012 | Page 28
Acxiom collected $1,000 worth of VISA gift cards for the residents &
donated 90 flash drives & computer accessories for the Learning Center.
Alexis Thompson
Alexis Thompson donated a sewing machine for a 16-year-old resident
who is passionate about making his own clothes.
Ben E. Keith
The Ben E. Keith company donated a brand new dishwasher & dish soap
for the shelter kitchen.
Diane Kidwell & Jo Lynn Short
Diane & Jo Lynn had a bra fitting for Our House’s women & donated 100 bras.
Disciples Church Youth Group
The youth group, led by James Nam, hosted a Valentine’s Day party in the
shelter with music, and crafts, and they performed a Valentine’s Day skit.
Fellowship Women’s Bible Study Group
The women’s group members have been regular volunteers, leading
arts and crafts projects in Little Learners.
Girl Scouts North Hills Service Unit
The girls collected bedding, mattress pad covers, alarm clocks, Kleenex,
& night lights to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts.
Immanuel Baptist Church Girls in Action
The 4th grade GA group made Valentine’s Day goodie bags for Our
House’s kids & collected paper towels for the shelter.
Joshua Morgan
Joshua Morgan donated diapers & pull-ups for Little Learners.