Our House e-newsletter Fall 2014 | Page 24

Individuals Twylla & Drew Alexander Chasity Anderson Anonymous Donor Taylor Bennett Lee Chavis Vernon Dillard Jerry Dotson Michael Fox Lenlie Freeman D.K. & C.D. Gordon Martin Green Kevin Haynes Julia & Lyle Heim Lance King Kim & George Knollmeyer Rachel Lang Sandra & Byron Lynn Magness James Mayes John Mayo Terry McChristian Kitty McDonald Cathy & Michael Moran James Neu Mary Orellano Angelo Pelligrini Patrecia Powell Patricia Rasul Jay Robison Evelyn Rose James Russ Lori & Chris Schaffhauser Mary & David Smith Geraldine & Paul Stiedle Michelle & John Terry Bridget & Andrew Upchurch John Warren Angel & Drew Weber Sarrah Wilson Memorials & Honors In Memory of Paul Magro by Suzanne Kellar by Arlene & Michael Margolis by Mrs. & Mr. James Sick In Memory of Ted Shelton by Laurie Shelton In Memory of Bonnie Sticht by Shirley J. Schuette In Honor of Judy Adams by Ann & J.W. Ivey In Honor of Sofia Calvert by Theresa & Robert Lorsbach by Erin Simpson Snow In Honor of Single Mothers by David Jaros In Honor of Volunteers by Doris & Mark Krain Congregations AR Baptist Foundation Cathedral of St. Andrew Christ the King Catholic Church Church of the Immaculate Conception Society of Friends St. Anne Catholic Church St. James United Methodist Church St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Corporations Kroger U.S. Pizza Co. Non-Government Grants Heart of Arkansas United Way Heart of Arkansas United Way: CAFSI