by Mariah Nehus, In-Kind Donations VISTA
& Prentis Jones, Volunteer Relations VISTA
Gerdau Construction Projects
Gerdau Construction sent an experienced crew of workers to help
with a painting project in the Education Building of our Learning
Center. The group took time off during the week to help with painting
and sanding as well as the overall facilitation of the improvement
project. With their help, the project was finished quickly.
Hamid & Isabel Habibi
Hamid and Isabel have a long relationship with Our House. They
have participated in our holiday Adopt-A-Family drive since 2011
and have provided candy for Halloween and Valentine’s Day for
years. They also help us with miscellaneous needs throughout the
year with items like school supplies, over-the-counter medication,
toiletries, and cleaning products.
Mount St. Mary Academy
As part of their annual day of service, Mount St. Mary Academy
sent a group of 25 students to volunteer on the Our House campus.
Their projects included serving lunch to the residents; helping to
organize the family housing basement; sorting and organizing the
men’s and women’s closets in the Shelter; weeding around the
Children’s Center playgrounds; and helping clean one of the Little
Learners classrooms.