Volunteers from Core Source redecorated the Our Club art room.
They painted a wall and new stools, donated and assembled new
storage units, and tiled the work benches with ceramic tiles painted
by the Our Club kids.
Heifer Village
Heifer donated fresh produce.
Vamsi Kaliki & UAMS College of Medicine Class of 2014
The group collected some of Our House‟s most-needed items: paper
towels, toilet paper, and linens.
Garrett Kirkpatrick
For his 9th birthday, Garrett asked his party guests to bring shoes
for Our House‟s kids & money to buy bus passes for the adults.
Meredith Melody
The portrait photographer helped Our House residents celebrate
the holiday season with beautiful family portraits.
Ruth Scroggin
Ruth drove from Jonesboro, AR, to deliver a 10-speed Bianchi bike
in honor of her physical therapist, Ivan Spengler, who bikes to
work every day. The bike was given to a resident who uses it as
transportation to work.
Lea Angel Woodham and friends
The group donated six cases of diapers for Little Learners.