Our House e-newsletter August 2012 | Page 28

3rd summer at Our House Education: Sophomore, UALR Fayetteville Career Goal: to be a member of a non-profit that specifically works with the homeless Some of my most prized memories come from the unique lessons I learn from one-on-one time with the kids. It’s very humbling to interact with children who appreciate the small things that life has to offer. Education: Anthropology, Florida State University Education Goal: to earn MSW My favorite memories center around the kids discovering what they themselves can grow in a limited space. Many kids came here without understanding how root vegetables grow & how some can be sweet-tasting & used for juicing. I saw them become aware of the different types of vegetables & their multiple uses. Education: Professional & Technical Writing MA student, UALR Career Goal: poetry teacher Education: International Business, UALR Career Goal: World Traveler/ Business Woman The memories that stick out in my mind the most are all of the hugs that I received every day from all of the kids. Watching residents rehearse for a play was a magical experience. They had begun to memorize some of their lines, & they were demonstrating how hard they had worked to learn their lines & come up with movements & actions on their own. continued on page 30