Our House e-newsletter August 2012 | Page 26

Education Goal: Nutrition BA Career Goal: Registered Dietician My most memorable moment was when I was serving lunch in Little Learners & my grandson said, “Thank you Ms. Grandma!” Then all of the kids said, “Thank you Ms. Grandma!” That was so touching I said, “ok, I’m everyone’s Grandma!” Education: Second Language Acquisition & Pedagogy MA, UALR Career Goal: ESL teacher My favorite memories will be all the hugging & when one boy in the youngest age group fell asleep with his arm around me during nap time. It amazes me how affectionate all of the kids are. I’ve never felt so loved. Education: Musical Theatre/ Creative Therapy Major, University of Alabama Career Goal: Creative Therapist My favorite memory of the summer was walking around during our tie-dye day & seeing how much fun the kids were having & how creative they are. They constantly amazed me with their ideas & expression, & art really gave me an outlet to connect with them. Education: Social Work BS, UT-Martin; MSW student, UALR Career Goal: political advocate for marginalized populations My favorite memory is getting to know the beautiful people who make Our House such a wonderful place! continued on page 28