Our House e-newsletter August 2012 | Page 24

This year, Our House had 18 Summer AmeriCorps VISTA members and 5 summer interns serving in almost all of Our House’s programs. Meet them as they share their favorite memories of their summer of service. Education: Senior, Political Science & Biology Major, St. Louis University Education Goal: Law School or Masters in Public Health 4th summer at Our House Education: Nursing Major at Henderson State University Career Goal: Nurse Practitioner My favorite memory from this summer is when we went on a field trip to Wild River Country. It was great to see everyone having a great time & not complaining. All of my kids (ages 6 to 8) were so brave they all got on big rides & scared me! During a dry ice experiment in a science class with my younger students, one excited student said, “I wish you would teach at Dunbar Elementary!” In that one quote, I realized how much the work I was doing really meant to the kids & how I was able to have an impact on the kids just like they did for me. “ continued on page 26 ‘ ‘ ’ ’”