Our House e-newsletter April 2012 | Page 9

As Shelter Supervisor, Carl uses his experiences as a former Our House resident to lead current residents through their time in The Shelter. High recognized from his first stay at Our House that “there was always someone asking you about your wants and needs, ready to help. It’s clean and welcoming. I had not seen anything like it before or since.” He also grew to understand that “you have to want to change” and that with that in mind, Carl requested and was graciously granted re-entry into Our House in 2008. Carl reminisces about stepping back onto Our House’s campus fondly, saying “walking through the gate the second time was like walking into heaven.” While High’s first residency period at Our House found him “scared and unaware of what it (the shelter) [was],” he saw his second chance as an extremely valuable opportunity to pursue Our House’s unique brand of continued on pg 8