hometown Little Rock, AR
education Theatre BA, Secondary Education MA
family husband Aaron, Our House’s Operations Manager
community involvement YNPN (Young Nonprofit
Professionals Network, PCDC (Pulaski County Democratic
Committee, AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals)
previous job Our House VISTA, Development Assistant
Our House staff since January 2010
I’m a fundraiser, specifically
focused on individual, corporate, & congregational giving.
Making sure our supporters
know how much we appreciate
them. I’m always looking for
creative ways to express our
I’m constantly thinking & talking
about Our House– residents,
volunteer opportunities, & most
of all making sure people know
that this place really works. We
witness lives changing every day.
My favorite memory is the very
first time I came to campus for
my interview. I ran into an old
friend. She gave me a tour of the
campus, so I assumed she
worked here. About an hour later
I learned that she was a resident,
& my perception of homelessness
changed immediately. I didn’t
know that “normal” people could
be homeless too. I was embarrassed at my ignorance, but I was
also inspired.
An astronaut.
I want to be a mom.
I make theatre & sing along
with Aaron while he plays piano.