We will demonstrate real hearing
aids and you will be given a chart
showing your hearing level.
Assuming a hearing loss is detected
and is not caused by excessive
earwax etc, we explain the process
of hearing rehabilitation and check
that this matches your expectations.
You’ll be fi tted straight away
with open fi t hearing aids from
our extensive stock of all brands
available (if you choose) and
allowed the opportunity to walk
away wearing them for a week or
so with no payment, commitment
or signature. Or in the case of
invisible hearing aids, we’ll take
impressions of your ears and you’ll
be fi tted about 8 days from then
(these will be custom made for
you with no commitment at all).
First Evaluation
• If you’ve been trialling open fi t hearing aids, we’ll
see you about a week later. We can discuss how
you have done and carry out fi ne-tuning changes to
further improve your hearing in background noise.
• Custom made hearing aids (such as the invisible types)
will be specifi cally made to fi t your ears and later
programmed and fi tted. You will then begin your free trial.
• We will give you some guidance on cleaning the
instruments and changing the wax fi lters. We shall attempt
to keep your expectation level in line with what is realistic.
Ongoing Care
• After only another week or so, we’ll invite you again
for fi ne tuning. Hopefully, we’ll be getting close
to perfection by now. This condensed series of
appointments makes sure everything is fresh in our minds
and tends to help guarantee successful outcomes.
Third Evaluation
• We’ll see you 2 weeks later to offer you an opportunity
to review the fi ne-tuning again. And we’ll see you
again within the next three months to check on your
continued progress and satisfaction, and encourage you
to see us at least once a year thereafter, if not more.
Our process is
unique, as far
as we know. No
one else delivers
true evaluation...