Our Fund Foundation Community Assessment Report 2020 Final | Page 17

Sources and Resources 17
Reports , data , and information were accessed from the following sources and source documents to complete this LGBT + community assessment :

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13th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey , USA Summary Report , July 2019 14th Annual LGBTQ Community Survey , USA Summary Report , June 2020 A Quantitative Study of Within-Group Discrimination of Gay Men , Maki , 2018 Black and African American Youth Report , Human Right Campaign Foundation , 2019 Broward County Human Services Department Broward Pride Report , Community Foundation of Broward , June 2018 Caring for the LGBT Older Adult , The Fenway Institute , 2009 Children ’ s Services Council of Broward County Community Foundation of Broward
Healthy People 2010 Companion Document for Lesbian , Gay , Bisexual , and Transgender Health , Gay and Lesbian Medical Association , 2010
Improving The Health Care of Lesbian , Gay , Bisexual and Transgender People : Understanding and Eliminating Health Disparities , The Fenway Institute National LGBT Health Education Center , 2016
Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults , National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGE USA , 2012
Jewish Community Study , Jewish Federation of Broward County , 2016 LGBT Community Action Plan , Chicago Department of Public Health , 2012 LGBT Community Health , Chicago Department of Public Health , 2012 LGBT Health Promotion and Disease Prevention , The Fenway Institute , ( not dated ) LGBT Healthlink Report , CenterLink , ( not dated ) LGBTQ Grantmaking by U . S . Foundations Tracking Report , Funders for LGBTQ Issues , 2018 Miami Dade GLBT Community Survey , 2006 Our Fund Foundation Our Fund LGBTQ Community Survey , 2012 Our Fund LGBTQ Community Survey , 2014 Our Fund Stakeholder Survey , 2018 Quick LGBT Facts about Florida , 2018 The Miami Foundation The Williams Institute , 2018
Training on LGBTI and Aging Issues in South Florida : A Needs Assessment , Report and Summary , Our Fund Foundation and SAGE USA , 2015
United Way of Broward County U . S . Census Bureau , 2019 and 2010