Our Entrepreneurs - The Branson Centre Caribbean Lookbook | Page 50

Andrew Ross SEASCAPE CARIBBEAN 1 MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA Seascape Caribbean grows coral and enhances ecosystem services along degraded or modified coastlines under a client-oriented landscaping ethos: seascaping. Such services may include the recolouring of reef scape views from the current grey-greens back to the historic golds, greens and purples, the development of high-quality interpretive watersports (snorkeling, diving) and providing alternatives or enhancements to traditional hard-engineering in redevelopment and protection of beaches. They also include working with artisanal fishing communities in the improvement of catches and incomes. Holding a doctorate in Marine Biology, Andrew developed high-productivity coral propagation methods that are employed with endangered species globally. 1-876-363-8850 Omar Evans 6 JAMAICA VOLUNTEER EXPEDITIONS KINGSTON, JAMAICA Jamaica Volunteer Expeditions is a placement organization that offers a variety of programs for international students, groups, individuals, tourists or adventurers looking to volunteer in Jamaica. Volunteers choose to work with children, support environment & conservation efforts, or help to improve the quality of care for people living with disabilities, just to name a few. They work with customers every step of the way to customize their itinerary, including project placement, accommodation, food, transport, in-country and in-Parish support, adventure and cultural tours. Through Jamaica Volunteer Expeditions, Omar is committed to promoting Jamaica as a ‘voluntourism’ destination of choice. 1-800-291-1059, 1-876-620-6215 Robyn Fox 17 MILE POST