Hagley sits behind the wheel of the Carle Arrow Ambulance he drives while working.
tude dealing with the pandemic,”
Hagley added. “The public was
working tougher with us.”
Hagley said he sees a lot of
their extra cleaning procedures
staying as part of their duties, and
in general protecting themselves
with masks.
The COVID kits in their
ambulances have all the gowns,
masks and other equipment.
He said he sees the kits staying
in their trucks.
Another change early in the
pandemic in Danville had Carle’s
Arrow and OSF’s PRO Ambulance
services not switching east
and west sides of the city they
covered each month. They stayed
on their side of the city for the
fastest responses the first few
months. They’ve since gone back
to switching coverage areas every
If cases would spike again,
they’d return to staying on their
side of Danville, Hagley said.