Our Apprenticeship Levy Solution Apprenticeship Levy Prospectus | Page 5
At 3aaa Apprenticeships, we ensure quality is at the heart of
everything we do. Our training and assessment is quality assured
by Ofsted. We are one of only five private providers in the past
two years to have been given Grade 1 Outstanding status.
As an Apprenticeship Levy payer, you may require advertisements, screening candidates, interviewing
a combination of programme delivery for new staff candidates and organising employer interviews
or existing staff. We will work with you to get the or assessment centres. We currently screen over
balance right, which will inevitably change over 50,000 candidates per annum, so have the capacity
time as your business grows. and capability to deliver. When placing candidates for
any business, our focus is always on matching your
When it comes to identifying the training and business' needs to the skills and knowledge of our
development needs of your business, we will conduct candidates.
a Business Needs Analysis allowing you to analyse
your business with the 3aaa Apprenticeships Levy Levy implementation
experts giving you clarity on exactly what your As part of our Levy implementation service we
business training and development needs are. will give you access, free of charge, to our learner
From there, we will work with you to ensure your management system, OneFile. All your participants
Apprenticeship Levy is fully utilised to meet these will be loaded onto this system, giving you a full
needs. overview of all your participants progress and access
to management reports as and when required.
New Staff
For new staff, we will make available our first-class
recruitment service free of charge, utilising our
Apprentice Career portal which has commanded
over ½ million hits over the past four months. We
have extensive experience of placing high quality
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the Apprenticeship Levy at: