Dual-Degree Opportunities
As a member of the Ohio University
community, you can expand your medical
education with dual-degree offerings designed
to increase your personal and professional
development. Distinguish yourself as a
physician scientist, policy leader, or health care
administrator, or supplement your medical
education with a business background.
Albert Schweitzer Fellowship
Ohio University is a partner and sponsor for
the prestigious Albert Schweitzer Fellowship.
As a fellow, you’ll work on a service project that
addresses the social factors affecting health in
underserved communities.
Research Opportunities Include:
• W
ork one on one with faculty
on basic science research
• A
ssist researchers with
clinical trials
• P
articipate in the Research
and Scholarly Advancement
Fellowship program
• Conduct research in your area of
interest, with targeted support
during each step in the process,
from concept development
and research design, to
project implementation and
dissemination of your findings