OTWO Magazine September 2019 | Page 54

There is an underwater world surrounding Gibraltar, teeming with rich history and extraordinary wildlife. There are around 40 wrecks in the bay, but the story of the HMS Erin, or the ‘Inner & Outer’ as it is com- monly known, is one that was years in the making. It remained a mystery for decades. With wrecks such as the SS Excellent and the SS Rosslyn intact and easy to access, the ‘Inner and Outer’, was an enigma with no name and an untold story. That was until a small team of volunteer divers and historians took it upon themselves to uncover the tale behind it. We met with Phil Smith, Senior Guide and Site Manager for Gorham’s Cave and Geraldine Finlay- son, Deputy Director of Gibraltar Heritage, who spent over 6 years diving and researching the site from 1996 to 2003. Both Geraldine and Phil have an immense wealth of diving experience. Phil learned to dive in Gibraltar when he spent two years here with the Army be- tween 1981-1983. When he returned in 1985, he worked for the diving school in the marina and then ran the Joint Services Diving Club for many years. Geraldine had wanted to dive from a young age but unfortunately, in the 1970s diving schools in Gibral- tar did not accept female members. She finally beca- me a licensed diver in her mid 30’s and also joined the Joint Services Club. They have both gone on to become Archaeological Diving Instructors. A fascination with Gibraltar’s shipwrecks led Phil, together with Darren Fa, to write Underwater Gibral- tar, a book that details Gibraltar’s plethora of wrecks and reefs. As a part of that, they wanted to try and uncover the mystery of this forgotten wreck. Located on the outer side of the Detached Mole on Gibraltar’s west side, the ‘Inner and Outer’ is com- prised of two mangled parts. What was unclear at the time was whether these two parts belonged to the same ship or that of two different vessels. The ‘Inner’ is the bottom part of a bow section and closest to the mole. The ‘Outer’ lies 40 metres away and is the remains of a very disfigured stern section. There is no sign of a middle section and the parts that remain make-up approximately 20% of a vessel. If this was one ship, very little remained to work with. Various fishing nets and cabling covered both 52 Gibraltar, está rodeada de un mundo submarino re- pleto de rica y copiosa historia, compartida con una extraordinaria vida salvaje. En la bahía, se contabi- lizan alrededor de cuarenta naufragios y una de las historias que lleva años en danza es la del HMS Erin o ‘Inner & Outer’, como generalmente se la conoce. Durante décadas ha sido un misterio. Junto a restos de como el del SS Excellent y el SS Rosslyn intactos y con facilidad de acceso, el ‘Inner and Ou- ter’ ha sido un enigma sin nombre, una historia no relatada. Esto ha sido así hasta que un grupo de submarinistas historiadores y voluntarios, se han encargado de destapar la historia que hay detrás de esta embarcación. Nos hemos reunido con Phil Smith -Guía Senior y Gerente de Sitio de la Cueva de Gorham- y con Ge- raldine Finlayson -Subdirectora de Gibraltar Herita- ge- que ha pasado desde 1996 hasta 2003, bucean- do e investigando la localización del ‘Inner & Outer’. Tanto Geraldine como Phil, poseen una rica expe- riencia en el mundo submarino y el submarinismo. Phil aprendió a bucear en Gibraltar cuando entre 1981-1983, pasó dos años con el Ejército en la roca. A su regreso en 1985, trabajó para la escuela de buceo en el puerto deportivo y posteriormente, diri- gió el Joint Services Diving Club (Club de buceo de servicios mixtos) durante muchos años. Geraldine, desde temprana edad - allá por 1970- había querido adentrarse en el mundo del buceo, pero desgraciadamente en esos tiempos, las escue- las gibraltareñas no aceptaban miembros del géne- ro femenino. Pasada la treintena, se convirtió en una submarinista licenciada y se unió al Joint Ser- vices Diving Club. Ambos - Phil y Geraldine- se han convertido en instructores de buceo arqueológico. Una atracción seductora por los naufragios de Gibraltar, hizo que Phil Smith junto a Darren Fa, escribieran Underwater Gibraltar (Gibraltar Sub- marino), trabajo en el que detallan la gran cantidad de naufragios y arrecifes existentes en Gibraltar. En este recorrido, no podía faltar el estudio que reco- giese el misterio por descubrir del ‘Inner & Outer’, ese naufragio olvidado. Ubicado en el lado exterior del Detached Mole -malecón desprendido- en el lado oeste de Gibraltar, el ‘Inner & Outer’ cuenta con dos partes destroza- das. En principio, no era fácil determinar si se trata- OTWO 02 / SEPTEMBER 2019 OTWO 02 / SEPTEMBER 2019 53