ventud y una categoría especial anual . Los premios nacionales se conceden anualmente a proyectos que salvan nuestro medio ambiente mediante acciones personales , proyectos sostenibles o campañas de sensibilización en materia de sostenibilidad .
En una declaración , el Proyecto Nautilus dijo “ Este ha sido un esfuerzo comunitario que ha elevado el perfil de Gibraltar a nivel internacional . El TNP se siente honrado y humilde con este reconocimiento y desea agradecer a todos los voluntarios que han contribuido a hacerlo posible . Seguiremos trabajando por un Gibraltar más limpio , más sano y más verde ”.
Enhorabuena al Proyecto Nautilus y gracias por su dedicación y duro trabajo para hacer de Gibraltar un lugar mejor para todos nosotros .
The 26th annual Conference of the Parties or COP26 will be held in Glasgow , Scotland , from the 31st of October to the 12th of November , with many saying it is the last chance to put humanity on course to net zero and halt the climate breakdown .
Representatives from nearly 200 countries and a total of 25,000 visitors , including world leaders , negotiators , campaigners and journalists , will descend on Scotland ’ s largest city to discuss and set out plans to reduce carbon emissions in an attempt to limit global warming to 1.5C .
Officials are expected to discuss technical issues including carbon credits , funding for countries vulnerable to climate change and nature-based solutions and announcements such as phasing out coal , reducing deforestation and making a faster swap to green vehicles are expected ahead of and during the conference .
Some of the main issues expected to cause tensions and slow negotiations are China ’ s commitments to reduce emissions , and monetary compensation to help developing nations reduce emissions through green energy infrastructure and deal with climate change disasters .
Following several years of limited action , many officials and scientists have high expectations for COP26 , considering it the successor to COP21 in 2015 when the Paris Agreement was signed . Recovery plans following the COVID19 pandemic , and a year of extreme weather events have also emphasised the need to do much more to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss .
But many campaigners are wary and have expressed low expectations , warning that pledges will likely fall short of the goals to reach net-zero set out in the Paris Accords .
Just one week before COP26 , alleged
leaked documents have revealed that various oil-rich nations , including Japan , Saudi Arabia and Australia , have lobbied the IPCC ( International Panel on Climate Change ) to water down an upcoming critical UN Climate Report , and downplay the need to rapidly move away from fossil fuels .
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