We have published our core aims and objectives
ever since we formed in the year 2000. We are very
grateful to OTWO for giving us this opportunity to
share our views and aims in its publication by pu-
blishing our current List of Objectives over the next
few editions. As our team has grown in knowledge
and experience of Gibraltar’s local and regional envi-
ronmental situation, our core aims have also evolved
since 2003.
2003 Wish List:
Cut back drastically on pollution and waste.
Greatly improve on and invest in planning and deve-
lopment strategies.
Introduce healthy and sustainable forms of transport.
Introduce recycling and alternative energy measures.
Encourage best available practises and technology
wherever possible.
Protect and preserve our natural heritage and living
Promote environmental awareness within the com-
Todays List of Objectives 2019:
1. Climate Change.
2. Adherence To Eu (Or Higher) Environmental Stan-
dards Beyond Brexit.
3. Energy.
4. Pollution – (Land/Sea, Port & Dockyard Impacts –
Airport & Border).
5. Traffic & Transport.
6. Bunkering.
7. Cross Border.
8. Epidemiological Studies.
9. Sewage Treatment.
10. Waste / Recycling / Litter.
11. Planning & Development.
12. Conservation.
13. Emf Radiation.
14. Tourism In The Upper Rock.
15. Environmental Action & Management Plan.
(Each section is briefly explored in a 13 page docu-
ment you can find online at:
Brief Summary
Our present paper was produced as a lobbying docu-
ment during the October 2019 elections, before par-
ty manifestos were published. We were pleased to
see quite a lot of our issues contained within party
manifestos and, as this edition goes to print, a new
Government will be in office and we will have resu-
med our lobbying to ensure that our objectives are
realised. Issues we target include climate change
and local causes, pollution, environmental stds and
enforcement, oil based industries, public health as-
sessments, transport, development, EMF radiation,
litter, conservation, energy and cross border. Funda-
mental planning and development issues in mana-
ging Gibraltar’s environment are of key interest to
us and we work hard on the DPC to push for best
environmental outcomes. Major projects dealing in
Gibraltar’s waste, sewage treatment and power ge-
neration are also areas we follow.
titions and organised protests, with more to follow,
calling for such a body to also have input from NGOs
and other interested parties, and to report back to
the community, as well as to Gibraltar Parliament.
Clearly we have work to do here but whatever ha-
ppens, it must happen fast and Action Plans and
Strategies to deliver on the Climate Emergency Ple-
dge made by Government in the summer must be
published without further delay.
Hope you find our list of interest – it is by no means
exhaustive – and given pace of change in some
areas – will have been overtaken by events so we
will be looking at updating this in 2020.
www.esg-gib.net Tel: 200-48996 [email protected]
The most pressing issue at present is the need for
collective and focused action that must be taken to
address climate change. The ESG has historically
called for cross party consensus on environmen-
tal decisions and management and has reiterated
this message via a new platform formed in Gibral-
tar to campaign on Climate Change: ‘Coalition for
Climate Action’. This grouping includes the ESG
(Environmental Safety Group), GONHS (Gibraltar Or-
nithological and Natural History Society), TNP (The
Nautilus Project), GHT (Gibraltar Heritage Trust),
Sustainable Gibraltar and Pollution Watch. This
group wants to see an Independent Body set up for
climate action, independently funded, with a cross
party supported, time lined and binding agenda to
decarbonise Gibraltar’s community.
Manifestos inherently supported the need for cross
party consensus – which is good – but less clear is
how each one sees delivering on the independent
body being called for by us NGOs. We have run pe-