OTWO Magazine November 2019 | Page 80

It is important that recipients of the Andalusian Environmental Training Plan are acknowledged, inclu- ding all of the residents in Andalusia who are involved in the agricultural, forestry and environmental sectors, as well as other social activities related to the conser- vation and restoration of the natural environment and protected areas, and the promotion of sustainability. The second of the conditions of admittance is that applicants not belong to the public administration of the Junta de Andalucía. The administration is convinced that, “only with hard work from the entire general public, can good standards of living appropriated to a society of pro- gress be achieved. The role along this path that tra- ining can play is essential. The contribution of this environmental training approach is the only way to ensure the sustainability of this process”. For this autumn of 2019, the Andalusian Environ- mental Training Plan is structured in four course plans: 1.- Management of natural spaces and biodi- versity conservation 78 Intended for people with basic computer skills who want to get to know the concept of a geographic information system, its fundamentals and operation. In this first proposals curriculum the program co- vers broad sections from the ‘blue economy’ of coas- tal salt mines, to methods of training in biodiversity, through systems of hunting standards or the ecolo- gical exploitation of pinus pinea or the resources of cork and its uses. 2.-Urban sustainability and climate change Designed for professionals in environmental edu- cation and communications, or professionals in the environmental sector and technicians / managers of local entities to frame a path to sustainable mobility and ensure urban biodiversity as an environmental awareness tool. Reuse, recycling and circular eco- nomy or edible gardens go hand in hand in the con- tents of this training, with a contribution to sustaina- ble tourism in the face of climate change. 3.- Environmental education professionals OTWO 04 / NOVEMBER 2019 Designed for anyone in the education field, re- gulated or not, environmental education sets the example. Methodologies, participation, resources, methods ... to learn and expand, from guided itine- raries to raising awareness in biosphere reserves. A challenging task. 4.- Training and forestry center of Cazorla In 2018, the XXXII Edition of the Training Actions Programme of the Cazorla Forest Training and Expe- rimentation Centre was held. The general objective of this meeting is to promote training for employ- ment with locally thematic courses for “green” jobs that could potentially arise in the current climate. Practical and interrelated solutions with the natural environment always in mind, based in the Natural Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Vi- llas. The Ministry has in mind that the improvement of productivity, efficiency in work and performance in all management processes that affect the natu- ral environment must be compatible with the sus- tainability of resources and be developed within an OTWO 04 / NOVEMBER 2019 adequate health and safety framework for all wor- kers, aspects that are encouraged in the current course programme. The conditions of access to each of the propo- sed training phases are very interesting, due to the free training activities for groups of twenty-five students if accommodation is not necessary, and in groups of twenty if accommodation is required. Academic costs, teaching material, practical acti- vities and, where appropriate, student accommo- dation and meals are included. The courses are taught during weekends so as not to hinder the student’s usual rhythm of work. The sustainability, biodiversity and knowledge of Andalusian landscapes and the circular economy when intended as “green” are, according to these proposals, possibilities for economic, cultural and social growth that should not be neglected in the area of the Andalusian territory. As it appears to be with the Junta - Europe collaboration in this new edition of PAFA. 79