macro photography by Luca García; on colour mana-
gement in our digital projects, conducted by Domin-
go José Puerto and offered by FotoK; and about the
use of landscape filters, by Lucroit specialists.
Usually, exhibiting companies, both photographic
stores and brands, offer special discounts for atten-
dees, and also allow visitors to test products, which
is often a service that is unavailable in shops. On this
occasion, there will also be great discounts for Cádiz
PhotoNature participants, and of course, the oppor-
tunity to practice on new equipment at the stands
and even during some of our official activities.
Just like the first edition of the Fair, several wild-
life photography workshops have been organised,
with both native wild species and controlled fauna.
With prior registration due to the limited availability
of spaces, participants can take pictures of Iberian
wolves, golden eagles and griffon vultures. In ad-
dition, several natural sets will be installed where
you can photograph and interact with other species
of smaller fauna, such as owls, badgers or wildcats.
There will be a designated spot for little ones to pho-
tograph this fauna, which will be provided by Wild
Another one of the Fair’s attractions will be gui-
ded outings to enjoy the attractions and natural va-
lues of the province of Cádiz. These free excursions
have been planned so as to allow attendees the
opportunity to enjoy photographic practice in these
local settings, and are specifically designed so that
participants can become familiar with representati-
ve elements of the province’s fauna, flora and lands-
capes. These excursions are open to all attendee’s
prior to reservation and registration.
One of the activities that will undoubtedly draw
the attention of the fair’s visitors will be the new
Cádiz Photonature International Nature Photography
Contest. With a monetary award that equals the
most prestigious competitions in the world, it is alre-
ady attracting some of the best national and interna-
tional photographers. The finalist’s photographs will
be shown in the exhibition which, throughout the du-
ration of the event, will be on site and will also host
the public awards ceremony. With the first edition
of the contest able to attract some of the highest
national and international participation numbers in
the country, 2019 has become a year of reinforce-
ment, and especially, further internationalisation.
In fact, last year saw participants from 22 different
countries take part, this year that number has increa-
sed to 36, constituting more than a third of the total
number of photographs submitted and highlighting
the significance that this contest is acquiring on the
international stage. Alongside the Fair, a new featu-
re has also been launched this year, a photographic
league called Open Cadiz Natura, that focuses on
the province of Cádiz.
Each autumn, the world of Hispanic nature pho-
tography has a date with the province of Cádiz and
Los Alcornocales Natural Park. If you are interested
in attending the Fair, you can register for free via: