After successful participation levels following an
open call for participants in 2018, which then re-
sulted in the creation of Cadiz PhotoNature, the
province of Cádiz will yet again host a new edition
of the International Nature Photography Fair “Cádiz
PhotoNature” on the 8th, 9th and 10th of November.
Organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries
and Sustainable Development of the Junta de Anda-
lucía, and in conjunction with Canon Spain and the
City of Benalup-Casas Viejas (the municipality where
the event is being held), the event will take place
within the facilities of Wakana, an experiential Na-
ture Centre next to the Celemín reservoir, the perfect
place to hold this type of event.
The province will again this year become a ben-
chmark for nature photography in Spain and will do
so under unrivalled credentials on a national level.
Boasting 43 natural areas included within the Natura
Network 2000, which constitutes 34% of this provin-
ces’ surface area, guarantees this area as a premium
nature destination, not only at state level, but also at
a European level.
Its role in connecting two continents, as well as
the variety of natural processes and phenomena that
occur within its geographical range, such as unique
bird and cetacean migrations, makes this province
an incomparable setting for naturalists and photo-
graphers to capture all it has to offer through their
camera lens. All of this reinforces this natural encla-
ve’s status as a first-rate nature destination, both on
a national and international level, and as an unpara-
lleled landscape for taking photographs.
The success of this year’s call has been such that
almost the entire sector will meet in the province
of Cádiz, more specifically in the Los Alcornocales
Natural Park, to listen to the best current photogra-
phers or to catch up on up to date news about the
important techniques that are developing in the ti-
reless and dynamic world of photography. The Fair
Programme draws upon numerous and attractive
activities that cover different areas of the discipline,
carefully selected to satisfy amateurs and professio-
nals alike, for major brands users and for both young
and old.
The Technical Days will feature masterclasses
covering different subjects, such as landscape pho-
tography, nature in action, macro photography and
night photography. Under the expertise of the pres-
tigious photographer Mario Rubio, several of the
world’s best professionals within their respective
fields will take to the stage at Cadiz PhotoNature.
Javier Alonso, an award-winning photographer,
trainer, editor of LNH magazine and photographic
travel guide, will give a conference on Landscape
Photography: Technique, Aesthetics and Emotion.
Isabel Díaz, a nature photographer specialising in
landscapes and its abstractions, who is also a re-
searcher in marine ecology, will focus her ‘My World
by the Sea’ masterclass on showcasing coastal natu-
ral scenes from an aesthetic and artistic perspective.
Antonio Liébana, a photographer renowned for his
publications in national and international journals,
will discuss his dissertation on Nature Photography
in Action. Nightcolors, the dynamic duo formed by
Iván-Fusky and Paco Farero, will focus on night pho-
tography and light painting techniques. Finally, Ja-
vier Aznar, a macro photography expert, will present
a photographic journey into the microworld.
But that’s not all. The masterclasses will be com-
plemented with a programme of lectures from am-
bassadors and representatives of the world’s main
photographic brands, as well as other presentations
offered by the Andalusian Federation of Photogra-
phy. Among them, Markus Varesvuo from Finland,
who specialises in bird photography, stands out. He
is also a Canon explorer and member of the Wild
Wonders of Europe team.
One hundred companies and specialist establish-
ments will present the latest technical innovations
from some of the most prestigious lens brands, the
most interesting travel products created for nature
photography, specific publications and all kinds of
other equipment required for practicing photogra-
phy: hides, backpacks, tripods, lighting fixtures, fil-
ters, etc. Additionally, there will be product, service
and software demonstrations from the brands in
A dedicated space, designed and equipped to
hold workshops and located in the vicinity of the lens
zone, will be made available to exhibitors, allowing
for larger audience capacities than the individual
tents. To date, workshops have been arranged on