Environmental commitment and vibrant music of the south
Compromiso ambiental y música vibrante del sur
Alfredo Valencia (Verdemar Ecologistas en Acción)
The Strvagant3s are an instrumental music trio
formed in June 2010 and unified completely, in terms
of the full formation of its members, in 2013.
Having come from different musical groups of the
Campo de Gibraltar such as: Cai-manes, Paan (Pedro
González, drums: rock, funk and blues). K’ostativa,
Back Door (Chico Andrades, guitar: grunge, funk
and rock), or Dead Stoned, Vitiko Latin Jazz Quartet
(Luis Lirio, bassist: rock, soul, jazz) and influenced by
multiple styles, they understand music in a peculiar
and different way, away from the typical clichés, but
upheld by a high level of perpetual compositional in-
quisitiveness and an integrity that is absolute, robust
and uncompromising, in which they also choose to
“subversively” add, in a very personal way, themes
from different styles, groups and authors, stamping
them with their own particular “hallmark” and musi-
cal personality.
Then in 2016 they decided to release their first
album, which they titled “LABIOS CHUMBEROS”.
An album comprised of twelve tracks dedicated
to the region in which they live, and in which each
of the titles tries to capture a faithful reflection of
the current social situation of the area. Stravagan-
tr3s collaborates with Verdemar Ecologistas en Ac-
ción, in support and as a spokesperson for different
campaigns, activities and demonstrations organised
by the environmental organisation. With all kinds of
contributions through their music such as:
SOS Sierra Carbonera, providing videos in su-
pport of afforestation and encouraging citizens to
take part throughout the month of November 2016.
Participation in the campaign “Campo de Gi-
braltar without fossil fuels.” Stop the refinery. In
February of 2015.
In defence of the cork oak forests in February 2015.
Campaign in defence of Valdevaqueros. For World
Environmental Day in June 2013.
And for each and every one of the campaigns
they have contributed photos and videos with di-
fferent messages of support and outreach; namely:
Stop Nuclear Submarine campaigns and other large
scale efforts, as well as raising funds for a trip to
Brussels to address environmental issues in the re-
gion of the Campo de Gibraltar.
Twelve songs with touches of protest, romance
and melancholy, with some tinges of environmen-
talism (Valdevaqueros: track number 10 of the al-
bum) and in which a multitude of styles are fused
together gliding over an eclectic terrain, and as
such obtaining excellent reviews and critiques on
a national level, on both specialist music websites
and magazines.
And in 2019, they launched their second work:
A musical offering in the purest ‘stravagante’
style that moves between funk, funk-rock, funk-ja-
zz, blues-rock, etc.
A work in which they have decided to explore
different musical variations, permeating with ideas
and a clear intent, which is already embodied in
their CD track listing, to put something as prevalent
as life and diversity in cities back on the table, and
in general in to the current society in which we live.
(In track number 5, Wa ha, it highlights the oases
that parks can generate in cities).
Eleven songs that invite you to immerse your-
self in music that is purely instrumental, in which
its members demonstrate that they possess an ex-
tensive musical background. Themes that pay ho-
mage to those who have inspired them personally
and musically, which once again clearly shows the
consistence of their compositional inquisitiveness,
their experience and their eagerness to offer some-
thing different in the current and broad panorama
of music.