OTWO Magazine May 2024 | Page 28

adquirir camisetas y llaveros en la tienda benéfica o ponerse en contacto con el Clubhouse Gibraltar para conseguir el suyo . Sábado 18 de mayo : Día del Movimiento . Únase a todos en Commonwealth Park de 10:00 a 12:00 para un día lleno de actividades de movimiento dirigidas por Raúl Mesa Fitness . Ya sea bailando , caminando o haciendo ejercicio , movámonos juntos por nuestra salud mental . Animan a las personas y organizaciones a participar en nuestra campaña de concienciación compartiendo fotos de ellos mismos vestidos de verde en las redes sociales usando # clubhousegibraltar o enviándolas por correo electrónico a admin @ clubhousegibraltar . com . Juntos , marquemos la diferencia en la concienciación y el apoyo a la salud mental .
Sigue a Clubhouse en Facebook e Instagram para actualizaciones y más información . Para más detalles y para apoyar la causa , visite www . clubhousegibraltar . com o póngase en contacto con nosotros en el + 350 200 68423 .
¡ Movámonos , concienciemos y apoyemos juntos la salud mental !
In a world where the textile industry generates 20 % of global waste , with millions of tons of clothing ending up in landfills every year , an innovative solution emerges . Created by architect Clarisse Merlet , FabBRICK transforms discarded garments into ecological and durable bricks .
Motivated by the search for sustainable building materials , Merlet found the answer in recycled clothing . By combining textiles with eco-friendly glue , she created bricks with amazing properties : resistance to fire , humidity and thermal and acoustic insulation . The company not only reduces textile pollution , but also offers a sustainable and efficient building alternative .
With FabBRICK , clothing that was once destined for landfill now has a new purpose . It becomes a key element in the construction of more sustainable and environmentally friendly buildings . This initiative not only addresses the problem of textile waste , but also fosters innovation in the construction sector and promotes a greener future for the fashion industry .
Its potential extends beyond recycled clothing . The technology could be adapted to use other discarded textile materials , such as carpets , curtains and upholstery . In this way , FabBRICK could become a comprehensive solution to reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry as a whole .
An inspiring example of how innovation and creativity can transform environmental problems into sustainable solutions . By giving new life to discarded clothing , we will contribute to a greener future for construction and fashion .
Construyendo con desechos textiles En un mundo donde la industria textil genera un 20 % de los desechos globales , con millones de
Photograpphs : www . fab-brick . com
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