OTWO Magazine May 2023 | Page 9

24 Culture in green
6 Editorial 12 NewShorts 16 Green Week Gibraltar
32 Top tips to help prevent wildfires
54 Forest fires causes and consequences
110 Where is Paradise ?
30 DAhabiTAt
44 Fire on the Upper Rock
68 Habitat COAMBA : The Environmental Firefighter who fights forest fires in Andalucía
76 Aragon on fire 84 The fires go out … in San Telmo
98 The western Costa del Sol : A hot spot of fires at Andalusian level
122 Thoughts of a Forest Firefighter
133 Talking to a forest firefighter


This volume was published in May 2023 by Oxygene Ltd . OTWO Issue 46 Oxygene Ltd . Business Centre . 19 George ´ s Lane . GX11 1AA , Gibraltar Tel . + 00350 54001271 www . oxygenecommunications . com © Publishing : Oxygene Ltd .
Vanessa Byrne Managing & Commercial Director
Juanjo Trujillo Creative Director & Chief Designer
Margaryta Haiduk Marketing and Sales Manager
Paula Mateos Social Media Manager
Photographer : Global MBLTY Call , Javier Martín , Pexels , Gibraltar National Archive , Miguel Carlos García , Carlos Llonín , Francisco Moreno León , Juanlu González , Rafael Galán , José Luis Zabala , Fernando Rodríguez , Verdemar . Ecologistas en Acción , Alfredo Valencia , Raquel Collante , Juan Carlos Bohorquez , Gonzalo Gil , Proema , El Pantera , EBikes .
144 Campo de Gibraltar Fire Checkpoint
Cover photo : Francesco Paggiaro . Back cover photo : Anna Shvets .
151 Voluntary , spontaneous , help or hindrance ?
155 An effective response
157 Safe eagle
160 Nature ´ s Way 162 The flower of the month
All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic , mechanical , photocopying , recording or otherwise , without the prior permission in writing from the publishers .
All rights reserved . ISSN 2633-7401
164 Clubhouse Minds
166 The Natural Swap
169 The Traveller