OTWO Magazine March 2024 | Page 43

Culture in green

Cultura en verde
Books | Libros
After Broadcast News : Media Regimes , Democracy , and the New Information Environment ( Communication , Society and Politics ). Bruce A . Williams & Michael X . Delli Carpini .
Today ' s media landscape has transformed the traditional role of professional journalists as the primary source of political information . After Broadcast News " examines this shift from a historical perspective , situating it as the latest in a series of critical moments in the relationship between citizens , political elites and the media . These moments , driven by economic , political , cultural and technological changes , have given rise to different " media regimes ", each with its own rules and norms . Each of these regimes has been the result of a political struggle with winners and losers .
The dominant media regime of the second half of the 20th century has been dismantled , but has not yet been replaced by a new one . To ensure that this new regime is democratic , it is necessary to reflect on the positive and negative aspects of past regimes ,
After Broadcast News : Media Regimes , Democracy , and the New Information Environment ( Communication , Society and Politics ) Bruce A . Williams & Michael X . Delli Carpini .
El panorama mediático actual ha transformado el rol tradicional de los periodistas profesionales como fuente principal de información política . El libro
« After Broadcast News » analiza este cambio desde una perspectiva histórica , situándolo como el último de una serie de momentos críticos en la relación entre los ciudadanos , las élites políticas y los medios de comunicación . Estos momentos , impulsados por cambios económicos , políticos , culturales y tecnológicos , han dado lugar a distintos « regímenes mediáticos », cada uno con sus propias reglas y normas . Cada uno de estos regímenes ha sido el resultado de una lucha política con ganadores y perdedores .
El régimen mediático dominante durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX ha sido desmantelado , pero aún no ha sido reemplazado por uno nuevo . Para asegurar que este nuevo régimen sea democrático , es necesario reflexionar sobre los aspectos positivos y negativos de los regímenes pasados .
Composing a common world . Why do we need Bruno Latour ? Juan Manuel Zaragoza Bernal .
In this book , Juan Manuel Zaragoza Bernal offers an introduction to the thought of the French philosopher and sociologist Bruno Latour . The book explores Latour ' s critique of modernity and his proposal for a new way of understanding relations between humans and non-humans .
Zaragoza begins by presenting Latour ' s intellectual trajectory , highlighting his work in the fields of science and technology , politics and ecology . He then analyses some of the key concepts of Latour ' s thought , such as " actor-network theory ", " critical modernity " and the " terrestrial ".
Finally , Zaragoza reflects on the relevance of Latour ' s thought for the present moment . He argues that Latour ' s ideas can help us face the challenges of the 21st century , such as climate change and the ecological crisis .
Componer un mundo en común . ¿ Por qué necesitamos a Bruno Latour ? Juan Manuel Zaragoza Bernal .
20 OTWO 56 / MARCH 2024