OTWO Magazine March 2024 | Page 26

On February 7th , the Gibraltar Horticultural Society , in partnership with Carmel Khalilian , orchestrated a significant event featuring presentations and workshops at Wellington Front .
The focus was to examine the potential for Gibraltar to evolve into a Garden City , with an emphasis on fostering sustainable communities and environmental stewardship .
Carmel Khalilian ' s presentation explained the fundamental principles underlying a Garden City , including equity , visionary leadership , accessibility , vibrancy , resilience , and sustainability . Drawing inspiration from successful models such as Singapore , Carmel highlighted the critical role of Community Based Organizations and emphasized the necessity of strategic , long-term planning .
Following the presentation , participants engaged in a workshop aimed at conducting a comprehensive SWOT analysis to assess Gibraltar ' s suitability as a Garden City .
Afterwards , attendees were divided into teams to collaboratively brainstorm actionable strategies for promoting sustainability and green initiatives in Gibraltar ' s future development .
Vanessa Byrne , the Managing Director of OTWO , actively contributed to the discussions by advocating for enhancements to bicycle infrastructure , such as pop-up bicycle parks and future solar bicycle lanes . Additionally , she proposed sustainable transportation solutions , including electric buses for circuit routes , and emphasized the importance of pedestrian-friendly urban planning .
Other teams offered valuable insights into various aspects of sustainability , including waste reduction , marina cleaning initiatives , and heritage preservation efforts . The diverse perspectives shared during the event underscored the importance of community engagement in shaping Gibraltar ' s sustainable future .
The OTWO team recognizes the significance of such events in fostering dialogue and collaboration within the community to address pressing environmental challenges . As Carmel aptly stated , “ the responsibility for nurturing Gibraltar into a Garden
12 OTWO 56 / MARCH 2024