OTWO Magazine March 2022 | Page 64

thanks to pre-existing conditions suitable for life , it had emerged and adapted to the changes that were occurring . According to Gaia ’ s theory , it is the living organisms that have been modifying the initial conditions suitable for their emergence , and the current conditions of temperature , atmospheric composition and ocean salinity are not only due to the presence of life on Earth , but are maintained in equilibrium thanks to her .
Perhaps because of its Greek goddess name , perhaps because of the time in which it was developed and its adoption by mystical or new age currents , or because Gaia , the Earth system , has been identified as a living superorganism , it is a theory that has received much criticism .
It is not the purpose of this article to deepen or make a critical analysis of the Gaia Theory , but to use it as a starting point . Regardless of the adequacy of the hypothesis , it presents in a very graphic way the planet as a complex system in which interrelationships are established between its physical and chemical conditions and characteristics and the living organisms that inhabit it .
Now , with this image in mind , we introduce another concept , in this case from the field of health : the One Health concept . “ One Health ” or One Health is a term used to describe a principle that recognizes that human and animal health are interconnected , that diseases are transmitted from humans to animals and vice versa and , therefore , must be addressed in both . The One Health approach also encompasses the environment , another link between humans and animals .
This term is globally recognized , having been widely used in European Union plans , United Nations policy statements , national documents and policies , etc .
Its importance lies in the fact that it is an entirely necessary approach to prevent , detect and respond effectively to the health challenges arising from the relationship between humans , animals and the environment .
It implies a paradigm shift that recognizes the interrelationship between humans , animals and the environment : our health depends on the health of animals and on the health of the environment , these three being interconnected . Food security is based