OTWO Magazine March 2022 | Page 21

tico , el Honorable Profesor John Cortes , comentó : « Estoy muy satisfecho de que estemos avanzando en la puesta en práctica de nuestra legislación sobre el cambio climático , tras la publicación hace unos meses de la Estrategia sobre el Cambio Climático . Este Comité de expertos podrá supervisar nuestros progresos y asesorarnos para mejorar el cumplimiento de nuestros objetivos y nuestra agenda en materia de cambio climático . Tuve la oportunidad de dar la bienvenida a los nuevos miembros en su primera reunión , el viernes , y espero con gran interés sus aportaciones y su ayuda para garantizar la consecución de nuestros objetivos en materia de cambio climático ».
Vehicles will no longer be able to drive through the historical centre of Paris as from 2024 .
The plans , which were initially supposed to take effect this year , have been delayed by two years as more preparation time is needed to implement the plan .
Dubbed as the ‘ tranquil zone ’ ( zone apaisée ), the plans for the central districts intend to improve air quality , decrease traffic congestion and improve overall conditions in the capital ahead of the Paris Olympic Games in 2024 .
The plans , however , do not constitute a complete ban of vehicles from entering the city centre but will discourage through traffic ( cars travelling through the city centre to another destination ), which according to the Paris Deputy Mayor , accounts for over half of all vehicle traffic in the area .
Exceptions will be made for those that live in the city centre and for delivery vehicles , those with disabilities , taxis and other transport such as buses and Uber . It is estimated that the plans would stop as many as 100,000 vehicles from entering the city centre each day .
The areas affected by the plans are the 1st to the 4th arrondissements . These central areas in Paris include famous landmarks such as Notre Dame Cathedral , the Centre Pompidou and the Louvre , as well as many of the city ’ s government buildings .
Over the last few years , Mayor Anna Hidalgo has
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