OTWO Magazine June 2024 | Page 41

from the invasion of a company that intends to install a wind farm in their rural community . The plot focuses on the resistance of the local inhabitants , led by a young man named David , who faces political , economic and personal obstacles as he tries to preserve the natural landscape and the traditional way of life of his village .
The film addresses relevant issues such as the conflict between economic development and environmental conservation , as well as the struggle for social justice and the rights of local communities . Through an emotive and visually striking narrative , " The Battle of the Wind " offers a reflection on the challenges faced by rural communities in the face of corporate interests and the importance of solidarity and resistance in defending the environment and cultural heritage .
La batalla del viento . Richard Zubelzu .
Dirigida por Richard Zubelzu , es una película que narra la lucha de un grupo de personas por proteger su territorio de la invasión de una empresa que pretende instalar un parque eólico en su comunidad rural . La trama se centra en la resistencia de los habitantes locales , liderados por un joven llamado David , quien se enfrenta a obstáculos políticos , económicos y personales mientras intenta preservar el paisaje natural y el modo de vida tradicional de su pueblo .
For tomorrow . An Tran .
A moving film that follows the story of Mai , a young Vietnamese girl who , after losing her mother , embarks on a journey in search of her biological father , who lives in South Korea . The plot unfolds amidst evocative landscapes and
encounters with diverse characters that reveal Mai ' s challenges and hopes in her search for identity and emotional connection .
The film explores universal themes of family , love , loss and the search for meaning in an ever-changing world . Through a poetic and visually captivating narrative , " For Tomorrow " invites us to reflect on the importance of forgiveness , acceptance and reconciliation with the past in order to find inner peace and happiness in the present .
For tomorrow . An Tran .
Película conmovedora que sigue la historia de Mai , una joven vietnamita que , tras perder a su madre , emprende un viaje en busca de su padre biológico , quien vive en Corea del Sur . La trama se desarrolla en medio de paisajes evocadores y encuentros con diversos personajes que van revelando los desafíos y las esperanzas de Mai en su búsqueda de identidad y conexión emocional .
La película explora temas universales como la familia , el amor , la pérdida y la búsqueda de sentido en un mundo en constante cambio . A
través de una narrativa poética y visualmente cautivadora , " For Tomorrow " invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia del perdón , la aceptación y la reconciliación con el pasado para encontrar la paz interior y la felicidad en el presente .
The Carbon Copy . ( English ).
Through informative interviews and lively discussions , " The Carbon Copy " explores key issues such as emissions mitigation , the transition to renewable energy , climate justice and the role of politics and economics in the fight against climate change . In addition , the podcast highlights inspiring stories of individuals and communities who are taking concrete action to address the climate crisis in their own contexts .
With an educational and motivational approach , " The Carbon Copy " provides listeners with valuable information and practical tools to better understand
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