des , each one more nourishing than the last . An example of this is the chapter where Matt Eastland and Lukxmi Balathasan discuss the major challenges that the food system will face . As well as the efforts and proposals that seek to solve them . It ' s scary to wonder , can we really feed ten billion people by 2050 ?
In another episode , the owner of Grand Farm and Vermigrand , Alfred Grand , discusses the importance of having " healthy soil " and how his company uses earthworms to keep it in good condition . If we look hard enough , we will also find Luca Fichtinger , explaining his project for the food industry to reuse wasted side streams and how his company is creating novel products from surplus fruit pits .
Think Sustainably ( en inglés ).
Imprescindible oír este podcast que contiene una magnífica colección de episodios a cual más nutritivo . Ejemplo de ello es el capítulo donde Matt Eastland y Lukxmi Balathasan plantean cuáles serán los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentarán el sistema alimentario .
Así como los esfuerzos y propuestas que buscan resolverlos . Da miedo preguntarse ¿ Realmente podemos alimentar a diez mil millones de personas para 2050 ?
En otro de los episodios el propietario de Grand Farm y Vermigrand , Alfred Grand , nos plantea la importancia de tener un « suelo sano » y como su empresa utiliza a las lombrices para mantenerlos en un buen estado . Si buscamos bien , también encontraremos a Luca Fichtinger , explicándonos su proyecto para que la industria de la alimentación reutilice los flujos secundarios desperdiciados y como su empresa está creando productos novedosos a partir de huesos de frutas excedentes .
La Madriguera . ( Spanish ).
La Madriguera is an informative podcast , whose contents deal with a variety of topics related to natural sciences and the environment . Field studies , current environmental problems , outdoor physical activities , interviews ,
debates ... all around the same and unique objective : To transmit passion for nature , in a direct and entertaining way .
If the living moves you , this is your space : La Madriguera , the environmental podcast you were waiting for .
You can listen to it at this link .
La Madriguera . ( Español ).
La Madriguera , es un podcast de marcado corte divulgativo , cuyos contenidos tratan variados temas en torno a la ciencias naturales y el medio ambiente . Estudios de campo , problemas ambientales de actualidad , actividades físicas al aire libre , entrevistas , debates … en torno a un mismo y único objetivo : Transmitir pasión por la naturaleza , de forma directa y amena .
Si lo vivo te conmueve , este es tu espacio : La Madriguera , el podcast de temática ambiental que estabas esperando .
En este enlace puedes escucharlo .
Events Eventos
IFAT Africa . Johannesburg . Forum and exhibition on environmental technologies . 5-7 July 2023 .
IFAT Africa is a forum and exhibition on environmental technologies , held once a year in Johannesburg . As a branch of IFAT in Munich , it offers the full range of technologies , environmental services and a broad portfolio of products ranging from simple to technologically advanced machines and solutions in the areas of water , waste , recycling and energy conservation .
And what better continent for this event than Africa , with its urgent need to invest in water supply infrastructure . Challenging problems such as population growth , economic expansion , scarce water resources and an expanding agriculture will find a place where solutions can be found .
IFAT Africa is only accessible to trade visitors and offers international companies a good introduction to the African market for the development of environmental technologies .
IFAT África . Johannesburgo . Foro y exposición