A note from the editor Vanessa Byrne / Managing Director
It ’ s June , you can feel the summer season is upon us and in pure summer tradition we have so many exciting events to look forward to this month .
On the 9 th June there is a conference purely focused on sustainability in the build environment ; Aspire . This is one not to be missed , hosted at the Sunborn Hotel , a full day of engaging sessions covering a variety of topics related to sustainable construction and development . Get your tickets on buytickets . gi - don ’ t miss it !
World Bicycle Day is on the 3rd of this month and what a good moment to share just how much support the Active Travel Strategy has had locally . Gibraltar ’ s first proper bicycle lanes are just about to open , this means we will have a new active travel highway to enter Gibraltar , alleviating traffic congestion and providing good alternative sustainable options to all visiting Gibraltar . Check out page 40 and see just how many local organizations have pledged their support . If you would like to give your support contact us on otwomagazine @ gmail . com .
On page 42 you will find the 2 nd part of COAMBA article on the welfare of animals and just how alike we are . This is the harsh reality of the impact the meat industry has and the shocking statistics it produces . In 2020 the number of animals slaughtered in Spain alone rose to 910 million . “ That ’ s 2.5 million deaths per day , 104,000 every hour , 1,400 per minute , 30 per second ”. The saddest reality is that due to our eating habits there are now more animals in the world destined for our plates than roaming the earth in their natural habitat . We are destroying our beautiful natural world with our gluttony for meat . We need to open our eyes to the reality around us and make small changes . There is a need to rebalance our approach . There are plenty of alternatives , we must spread our nutritional demands over a wider spectrum . Small changes make the biggest differences to our planet , our environment and our health .
On page 122 you find the second part of Dr Owen Wiseman ’ s 15min cities . This write up shows exactly how cities all around the world are adapting to more sustainable modes of movement , just like our little Gibraltar . Making sure all amenities are just 15 min away by walking or cycling avoiding the use of cars at any means possible – reducing pollution in cities and increasing healthy habits and lifestyles .
This month marks a very important milestone for the OTWO team . Our very first Green Week in Gibraltar is happening . This has been brewing for around 2 years now . An idea and result of many years of meetings with likeminded individuals in many different industries create exciting ideas , green week being one .
Many might wonder why Green Week ? Well it ’ s what we aspire this event to be , a full week of anticipation , activities and entertainment centred on our environment . This year we decided to start it with giving a taster of just how cool things could be . From Friday 2nd June until Sunday 4th June at Campion Park - 3 full days filled with family fun all focused on our environment . We wanted to make sure that this year our community celebrates two very important dates in our calendar - World Environment Day and World Bicycle day . Sustainable transport goes hand in hand with the protection of our environment and is an essential aspect .
Come and join us for a weekend full of fun , entertainment and who knows perhaps maybe learn how we can help our environment improve , future generations will thank you . After all it is Our World , Our Responsibility .
As always , must express our sincerest gratitude for everyone ’ s support during all our OTWO journey .
Peace and love always .
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