OTWO Magazine July 2024 | Page 11

tainable Transport campaign , highlighting cycling to calm our roads . Our children will only be able to cycle safely if we help make our roads safer .
In 2023 , the buzz from the EcoFestival was so great that we created Green Week Gibraltar , an event celebrating our environment . We merged World Environment Day and World Bicycle Day for a big weekend event in June at Campion Park , bringing together NGOs , musicians , companies , and organizations . The 2nd EcoFestival was also celebrated later that year . We organized a weekend-long event at Europa Pool in September for family and friends . This year , we also expanded our Sustainable Transport campaign , focusing on cycling , walking , and public transport . Sixty-five local companies joined us in this campaign to help Gibraltar think more sustainable .
This brings us to 2024 . Our sustainable transport promotion is ongoing , featuring three buses promoting public transport , cycling , and walking . We recently concluded our third successful EcoFestival which now celebrating World Environment and World Bicycle day . An incredible amount of people came to celebrate this weekend with us with sold out tickets on both days . We had an upcycled fashion show , a shop window competition , countless local collaborators , and cross-border connections , live music and incredible shows – check out page 32 and read all about it .
Now , in mid 2024 we are contemplating our next steps . How can we grow , continue to innovate and promote environmental sustainability ? How can I , as a mother , ensure my children can make a life for themselves in a safe world with a stable environment ? The answer is to never stop . Never stop trying to share and spread the word . Never stop helping people grow and improve , whether it ’ s for our environment or anything else . It ’ s all about kindness and respect — for each other and our world . It ’ s all about making our world , our responsibility , a commitment to each and every one of us .
I must thank each one of you who has been with us throughout these 60 editions . Without your trust , support , and guidance , we wouldn ’ t be where we are today . Throughout our journey , we have seen the creation of many technologies that give us hope that this climate crisis will be a challenge we can overcome . Humankind has , and will continue , to evolve in incredible ways . This is just one more challenge we will embrace , grow and improve from . We have created many contacts with organisations and individuals . These have become our friends over these five years . All united and increasingly resolute to achieve this mission . Thank you for being part of this , and here ’ s to many more editions and many , many more friendships in the future .
Peace and love always
6 OTWO 60 / JULY 2024