OTWO Magazine January 2024 | Page 118

Her grandmother came from a village three nights away from her home . Yanga never noticed in the old woman any hint of nostalgia or special interest in returning to her place of origin . However , the arrival of this unknown hunter awakened in her a sudden interest in seeing the places where her teacher ' s childhood had been spent .
While the traveler exalted the curious onlookers who came to pry into the quality of the furs he wanted to exchange , she watched the man closely . She knew he came from her grandmother ' s village and was eager to ask him if he had come to know her . She noticed in the stranger a certain reluctance to answer questions about her people and this , added to his white teeth , which revealed a person too young for that to have been possible , made her desist . The young shaman was unaware that her grandmother ' s wisdom had transcended generations and distances she could not even imagine .
The transactions between the man and the women of the village lasted for hours . As expected , cordiality and hospitality with the travelers could not be lacking . As night fell the man , grateful for the generosity of his hosts , took his leave to retire to rest . As he walked away , he looked with a smile of satisfaction at the copper bracelets he had obtained in the bargain . With the first rays of sunlight , the hunter set off in an unknown direction .
Not even a moon had passed when Yanga decided to leave for the Valley of Stone , as they called the village where his grandmother had been born . The signal given by the boulders and the flight of the birds would let him know the most auspicious days for his departure . Without hesitation she set out as soon as she could . She did not know what was the motivation that dragged her to this journey , but she felt that she had to do it .
In spite of the pleasant temperatures and the beauty of the landscape , the trip had taken forever , she still could not get used to the emptiness she felt and the feeling of abandonment that had been choking her since the death of her grandmother . She arrived at the Valley of Stone when the sun was still hot , she was impressed , it was nothing like her village , it was a green valley crossed by a river , where in a scattered way , majestic stone promontories with gray and brown tones rose in their pastures .
58 OTWO 54 / JANUARY 2024