OTWO Magazine January 2023 | Page 65

Smart Mobility Concerned with sustainable mobility , reduction of environmental pollution and improvement of air quality and life in cities .
Traffic Control – Real time traffic status knowledge , along with improvements to the main urban road traffic issues , like pollution , traffic jams , individual ’ s access to resources and services , security , and mobility of people ’ s goods , etc .
Bike Lane – Intelligent lighting solution consisting of automatic regulation of the lights , increasing their intensity , when detecting movement when the pedestrian- cycle passes .
Smart Crosswalk – Improved signage resulting in significant increases in the road safety of pedestrians and drivers in places such as risky pedestrian crosswalks .
Parking Spaces – Granting knowledge of parking space availability in real time , improving the experience of parking managers , the satisfaction of drivers and citizens .
Electric Vehicle Charging – Introduction of electric chargers for small , medium , and large vehicle charging stations , for indoor or outdoor parking areas , urban residential communities , shopping malls , and more .
Smart People Focuses on smart citizenship , inclusion of all citizens in public life , generating and sharing information in real time .
Citizen ’ s App – The mobile application offers citizens , tourists and municipal public figures , a point of information of all interesting services of the city such as tourist information , business information , bus schedules , traffic conditions and much more .
Social WIFI – The objective of the social WiFi is to inform individuals about events that are going to take place and / or the public services offered by the municipality .
Citizen Card – Provides local administration with tools to facilitate the interaction of its citizens / visitors with the services provided by the government / city council . The citizen card also supports the multi-application smart card , where applications and services , such as identification and payments , are implemented in municipal public services , such as transport .
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