OTWO Magazine February 2023 | Page 25

falta de influencia local potencial o de capacidad de gestión de esas fuentes .
En 2020 , las emisiones totales gestionables de Gibraltar disminuyeron un 28 % desde 2015 ( cuando las emisiones alcanzaron su punto máximo ) y un 12 % desde 2019 .
El inventario completo puede consultarse aqui .
Gibraltar ' s Ministry for Transport has announced its Active Travel Strategy , which aims to increase active mobility on the Rock .
The plan will focus primarily on improving pedestrian infrastructure . Followed by cycling and then public transport . The aim is to make Gibraltar safer and more appealing for people to walk or use other active modes of transport rather than using private vehicles .
The Active Travel Strategy builds on the Sustainable Traffic and Transport parking plan ( STTPP ) published in 2017 and will serve as a support document for Town Planning and the upcoming Development Plan , as a reference for the community and to demonstrate Gibraltar ’ s expectations for a greener , healthier , more sustainable city to architects , planners and developers working on new projects .
Although many areas across Gibraltar cannot be expanded , the strategy focuses on areas where improvements and modifications can easily be made to be more inclusive of all modes of transport . Much of the plans are designed under the concept of a 15-minute city and will include sections of cycling lanes extending to most areas of Gibraltar . Improved and beautified areas will make walking more appealing , and ‘ Wayfinder ’ signs will display how many minutes away destinations are on foot .
The concept of a 15-minute city has been adopted by many cities , including Paris , Melbourne , Bogotá and Milan . The idea is to create neighbourhoods and towns where citizens can reach all necessary amenities within 15 minutes by either walking , cycling or using public transport . The aim is to create vibrant , clean , healthy urban areas for everyone . OTWO 43 / FEBRUARY 2023 11