OTWO Magazine February 2022 | Page 24

ladas en 2019 , de las que se recicló poco más del 50 %. El objetivo principal del decreto es reducir la venta de botellas de plástico en un 50 % para 2030 , y que todos los envases del mercado sean reciclables .
The rapidly growing medley of chemicals saturating the environment has passed the “ safe limit for humanity ”, according to research by a team of international scientists .
The study , published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology , assessed the impact of the 350,000 manufactured chemicals widely used across the globe , including plastics , antibiotics , pesticides , and industrial compounds .
The research concluded that chemical pollution has crossed a “ planetary boundary ” and that “ the pace that societies are producing and releasing new chemicals and other novel entities into the environment is not consistent with staying within the safe operating space for humanity ”.
The concept of the nine planetary boundaries was
conceived by environmental scientists in 2009 . These boundaries establish the ecological thresholds within which humanity can safely survive and continue thriving into the future . The boundaries include freshwater use , climate change and biodiversity integrity loss .
In 2015 , scientists announced that four of the nine boundaries have already been crossed . This new study means that chemical pollution ( known as novel entities in the scientific world ) has increased the number of boundaries crossed to five .
Plastic pollution is highlighted in the study as a particularly high concern , due to the widespread impact and effect plastic has on multiple planetary boundaries . Out of the 350,000 registered chemicals currently in use , only a small number have been assessed for safety and possible long-term effects . Many chemicals , such as pesticides , have been found to affect vital earth system processes that support life and may cause severe ecosystem and human health problems .
The report suggests several actions to reduce the production and use of chemicals , including tighter regulations , rigorous assessment and future caps on chemical and plastic production and use .
22 OTWO 31 / FEBRUARY 2022