process to create the fuel involves capturing carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) from the air and converting it with hydrogen ( H2 ) and a catalyst of iron , manganese and potassium to produce specific hydrocarbons .
This is not the first time that CO2 has been converted into jet fuel . However , previous successful attempts have been far more expensive and complex . The Oxford Researchers say that the new method is not only less expensive but also more environmentally friendly and believe that this shorter process could produce a competitively priced fuel that could eliminate the high emissions of air travel . The carbon-neutral fuel is also functionally identical to the fuels currently used in planes .
Electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft technology has developed significantly in the last few years . However , it is not likely that the technology will progress quickly enough to be viable for commercial aircraft in the short term , therefore advances in cleaner fuels could have a massive impact on the aviation industries carbon footprint . Currently , aviation produces around 2 % of all human-made CO2 emissions and is responsible for 12 % of CO2 emissions from transport .
The Oxford Chemistry team say that their next step is to collaborate with the industry to build the world ’ s first net-zero emissions aviation fuel demonstration plant .
Científicos de Oxford desarrollan un combustible carbono-neutral
Un equipo de investigación de la Universidad de Oxford ha revelado el desarrollo de un combustible para aviones que reduciría de forma notable la huella de carbono que producen las aeronaves .
El equipo de química de dicha universidad asegura haber convertido CO2 en combustible para aviones , de forma poco costosa , a través del uso de un catalizador que emplea básicamente hierro . El procedimiento para generar dicho combustible implica la capura de dióxodo de carbono ( CO2 ) del aire para convertirlo en hidrógeno ( H2 ) y un catalizador de hierro , manganeso y potasio para la producción de hidrocarbonos .
No es ésta la primera ocasión en la que el CO2 se transforma en combustible para aviones . No obstante , los intentos anteriores resultaron ser mucho
OTWO 19 / FEBRUARY 2021 17