Climate One . ( English )
If you want to know about the relationship between the law and oil or how to take climate criminals to court , if you want to hear Peter Gleick talk about water poverty , conflict and hope for the future , or the reasoning of Naomi Oreskes and David Gelles debunking the myth of free markets , if you want to be well informed on these kinds of issues , you have no choice but to listen to this podcast .
The Commonwealth Club ' s Climate One brings together the brightest minds to address the climate emergency .
You can listen to it here .
Climate One . ( Inglés .)
Si quieres conocer la relación entre la ley y el petróleo o como llevar a los tribunales a los delincuentes climáticos , si deseas oír a Peter Gleick hablar sobre la pobreza del agua , el conflicto y la esperanza
para el futuro , o los razonamientos de Naomi Oreskes y David Gelles desmontando el mito de los mercados libres , si quieres estar bien informado sobre este tipo de temas , no te queda más remedio que oír este podcast .
Climate One de The Commonwealth Club reúne a las mentes más brillantes para abordar el tema de la emergencia climática .
Puedes escucharlo aquí .
The Forest Ranger . ( El Guardabosques ). ( Spanish ).
Dedicated to environmental disclosure and the surprises that biodiversity offers us , but also recommend interesting proposals for risky trips , tips for wildlife photographers and how to improve the conservation of nature . Some of the last chapters are dedicated to fateful pests , the relationship between women and nature or the adaptation of the animals that inhabit the
Arctic . I particularly liked episode 16 dedicated to the golden jackal .
You can listen to it here .
El Guardabosques ( Español )
Dedicado a la divulgación ambiental y a las sorpresas que nos ofrece la biodiversidad , pero también nos recomiendan interesantes propuestas de viajes arriesgados , consejos para los fotógrafos de fauna y o como mejorar la conservación de la naturaleza .
Algunos de sus últimos capítulos están dedicados a las plagas fatídicas , a la relación entre la mujer y la naturaleza o la adaptación de los animales que habitan el ártico . Particularmente m e ha gustado el episodio 16 dedicado al chacal dorado .
Puedes escucharlo aquí .
Events Eventos
Green Gathering 2023 . 3 / 6 August . Piercefield Park . Chepstow .
This event transcends the predictable proposals where music is mixed with art , or good living with food , to give just a couple of
examples . The organizers have structured the festival in four thematic sections : Reconnect : the magic of the land .
This section seeks to recover the link between the mystical and the everyday . To counteract the current division between the worlds of intuition and the spirit , which are being colonized by individualism and the market . The goal is to recover a true decomcracy . Rise : practical and tactical .
Changing the way we do things is essential as we face climate emergency , financial crisis and social division . Learn a new way of relating by listening to activists , speakers , engineers , artisans who will show us the way . Launch : let it out .
And a revolution is impossible without its soundtrack . More than a hundred artists that will make you dance , sing , feel and think . Nothing better than music and art to raise awareness and motivate us . Recovering : safe spaces and self-care .
The sense of community is a priority in this event . Reinforcing