OTWO Magazine August 2019 | Page 130

Places of Espacios de conocimiento Juanjo Trujillo / Creative Director In Oriental cultures it is often said that ignorance is Evil epitomised, and perhaps this aphorism explains the current environment in which we live. Not understanding the richness of our natural and cultural heritage prevents the full development of societies. We are increasingly volatile and uninfor- med inspite of hyper connections, wireless networks or speed of access. Without denigrating new tech- nologies in any way, I would like to talk about the sensory, physical, face-to-face and educational ex- perience of visiting an interpretation center. Imagine one of the many wise old guides - here in Europe there are very few - of the North American natural spaces. They know every inch of the surroun- ding land, perceive it, sense it, feel it; whether it be animal, plant or rock, nothing escapes their acute perception of everything that grows, moves or flies. Well, there was a time when they demanded, in or- der to properly share their wisdom, love and respect, that a space be constructed that would enamor visi- tors with explanations; indulge them and interpret the place they were going to visit later. They sought in this way to improve the experience of the visit and the understanding of the area and emotions shared. But what exactly is an interpretation center? It is certainly not a museum, nor an exhibition of texts and photos. An interpretation center is a new stra- tegy for an attractive, effective and educational tool that turns the space into a didactic and participative 128 129