OTWO Magazine April 2021 | страница 43

World Oceans Day 2021 Nautilus Project School Competition

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting our 5 th annual World Oceans Day School Competition . The title this year is Thalassophile which means a person who loves the sea . The theme will surround the marine animals that are found along the Gibraltarian Coastline
Since its inception , the submissions are always of such high standard and TNP always look forward to receiving them . We are in no doubt that this year will supersede once again !
You can collate your research in poster or pamphlet formats , books , plays , songs , word documents or power point presentations - you can add photographs or even your own drawings . The choice is entirely up to you – we want to see your creativity flow !
1 . The Competition is open to young people in local schools from Reception to Year 13 .
2 . Categories : A . Lower Primary School B . Upper Primary School C . Secondary School
3 . Sub-Categories Entries : i ) Individual ii ) Classroom iii ) Year Group iv ) Overall School
4 . The marine animal / s being researched must feature on the NEMO application .
# Thalassophile
Thalassophile Competition We are looking for TNP citizen scientists ! Our mobile app NEMO has many local species found around Gibraltar ’ s coastline that can be sighted and logged for research purposes . Research a marine animal of your choice – find out as much as you can about it ; their habitat , feeding habits , cool facts , why they are important to our ecosystem , and more !
All entries for this competition should include Name , Age , Academic year and School , category and sub-category with the submission . Deadline for all categories 17 th May 2021 . Prizegiving Ceremony to be held ( Covid restrictions permitting ) on 8th June 2021 .