The plateau area produces
potatoes, quinoa, goose,
b e a n s , Ca n a h u í , p e a s ,
barley and oats as main
products. In the valleys is
produced a variety of fruits
such as grapes, peaches,
plums, etc., as well as all
kinds of vegetables and
The area of the Yungas
provides: citrus, coffee,
peanuts, cassava, corn,
coca and other fruits
typical of the region. In the
region of tropical plains of
northern department
grows high quality pastures
and tree species of fine
hardwoods such as
mahogany, blood bull,
moradillo, laurel, etc.
In Sucre, women farmers
have managed to
incorporate more than 17
varieties of vegetables,
ensuring a diverse, healthy
and nutritious diet for
their families every day of
the year; and they have
also increased the incomes
by the marketing of
surpluses in the local