A culture linked to Tiahuanaco
Temples like the Sun Temple in Tiahuanaco - basis
of the Aymara culture - were attacked to destruct
their culture. It is not only the destruction of a
temple or an Empire; it is the annulment of a belief
and identity, as well as a crime against the cultural
heritage of humanity. Seeing the consequences of
such horrific destruction makes the beholder feel
the most disgusting and Machiavellian form of
annihilation by people who believe themselves
superior beings. They annulled and killed everything
that did not fit into their plans due to gold or in the
name of God. A unique God who makes them
annulling freedom and killing those who do not give
in to his feet.
All this has led to the situation that can be seen today. They worship two gods: The Catholic god
who has been imposed and their own god, the Sun Inca God of their ancestors. The prayers are make
form both of them, their own God in quetzal and Aymara language; the Catholic God in Castilian, each
one in the language they understand.