OTnews September 2023 | Page 57

The way that you laughed , comforted and chatted with our clients , who are people experiencing housing crisis , was great to hear .”
The way that you laughed , comforted and chatted with our clients , who are people experiencing housing crisis , was great to hear .”
Customers of the barbers also generously donated food items for the NOAH Welfare Centre .
The welfare centre kindly hosted the event in December 2022 , where Charlotte , Rosalyn and Katrice gave out around 45 gifts to individuals who attended throughout the day , while Nico and his colleague from Razors Barbers gave 10 free haircuts during the morning of the event .
Despite it being a snowy day , there was a great turnout and some even used word of mouth to support others to come in from the cold , to receive a free gift and haircut .
Partnerships and feedback
It was a very successful event ; the haircuts and gifts were very much appreciated by those who attended the centre that day . Some people even mentioned that it was the first time that they had received a Christmas gift from anyone .
Feedback received from the charity , NOAH , included : ‘ Your warmth , kindness and generosity of gifts was greatly appreciated by our clients and the haircuts were well received too .
‘ We love to work in partnership like this and hosting your presence at the NOAH Welfare Centre was a joy for our team . The way that you laughed , comforted and chatted with our clients , who are people experiencing housing crisis , was great to hear .’
The project team would like to express thanks to everyone that kindly donated to the event . There were enough gifts for all who attended , with some left over for other people in need during the festive period .
This event showed the impact that occupational therapists can have in meeting the needs of the local community , particularly those facing inequalities , and working in partnership with colleagues , the voluntary sector and businesses to make a difference for individuals .
What might next time look like ?
Reflections for running this event in future include that it would be ideal to plan an event well in advance of Christmas , to give everyone time to factor in the cost of donations and allow time for staff to collect them .
Next time , it would be ideal to apply for any resources within the CMHT budget to bolster the amount of donations and perhaps have the ability to donate items that are highly sought after , such as technology .
This may help promote digital inclusion among this population group , which is another area of inequality .
We would also seek more co-production from individuals who are rough sleeping or homeless at an earlier stage , to ascertain what they would find helpful to have at such an event in future .
In addition , we would seek to discuss our plans with people participation and service user and carer forums , to have them involved with the planning stages .
Thinking ahead , we would like to have more input from local voluntary sector organisations , such as Mind , Resolutions ( Drug and Alcohol Services ) and Penrose ( Housing ), and ascertain whether information on their services could be provided within each gift box .
Finally , we would consider contacting other brands in advance , to find out whether they could donate goods , such as new clothing and personal care items . And we would prepare resource packs to include in each gift box , which would include mental health specific information and signposting .
Shelter ( 2021 ) 274,000 people in England are homeless , with thousands more likely to lose their homes . Available at bit . ly / 43GZMl2 [ accessed 5 May 2023 ].
Words ROSALYN DALY , senior Occupational Therapist , Luton Working Age Community Mental Health Transformation , East London NHS Foundation Trust . Contact via @ Rosalyn _ OT
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September 2023 OTnews 57