But the advice I would give to someone that is on the fence is to go for it , you won ’ t regret it . Once you find your rhythm and gain confidence with the new routine , it flies by .”
What support have you received from your employer and from Northumbria University ?
Gateshead Council is great at supporting colleagues to progress through their careers . I am working part time while I complete my degree apprenticeship without having to sacrifice my salary . I also have a workplace educator who acts as a mentor and provides support and advice .
The module leads at Northumbria University are brilliant too . Everyone is very supportive and accessible , and we enjoy a mix of remote learning with regular time on campus with full access to the library and all the facilities within the university .
What have been your highlights ?
I would say getting an opportunity to work in different areas of a specialism I enjoy .
During the programme we ’ ve had two placements , working outside our usual areas of work , including community learning and the disability team , followed by work with a charity organisation supporting veterans as they adapt to civilian life . It really kept me motivated to see how my adaptable my skills could be .
The last placement I completed was classed as a role emerging placement , which means there wasn ’ t an existing occupational therapist , but a potential requirement for one going forward . It was brilliant to help shape the role and I had lots of flexibility to demonstrate how occupational therapy can be beneficial .
What advice would you give to someone considering a degree apprenticeship ?
At first , it ’ s always the practical considerations that come to mind : Will I have time to complete the degree
But the advice I would give to someone that is on the fence is to go for it , you won ’ t regret it . Once you find your rhythm and gain confidence with the new routine , it flies by .”
apprenticeship ? Will I be able to cope with the workload and returning to study ? Those are natural worries , and two years for some can feel like a long commitment .
But the advice I would give to someone that is on the fence is to go for it , you won ’ t regret it . Once you find your rhythm and gain confidence with the new routine , it flies by . It ’ s a very positive and rewarding experience having the opportunity to study and work at the same time . You strike a great balance of gaining knowledge and insight , plus the practical experience from your workplace .
Words Natalie Norman , Occupational Therapy Assistant , Gateshead Council . For information about Northumbria University ’ s BSc ( Hons ) Occupational Therapist Degree Apprenticeship visit https :// bit . ly / 45NGI6e
Unregistered , not unqualified Our occupational therapy support workforce is a skilled , experienced , valued and vital part of our occupational therapy community , and essential to delivering safe , effective occupational therapy services .
RCOT ’ s 2023 Annual Conference saw an insights session that shone a necessary light on our support workforce and our collective roles in supporting each member of our community to embrace and develop their skill mix to best meet the needs of those accessing our services , as well as own career aspirations .
If you weren ’ t able to come to the live event , you can still buy tickets until 1 December 2023 and watch everything on-demand until 22 December 2023 www . rcot . co . uk / annual-conference . See also page 21 of the July issue of OTnews for an indepth report on the session .
September 2023 OTnews 39