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Domestic abuse occupational therapy project : a response to COVID-19
An occupational theapy-led project , based at and in collaboration with the Domestic Abuse Safety Unit in Wales , to provide upstream , mental health rehabilitation and early intervention
Developing the COG-OT WebApp
Gemma Wormald reflects on a collaborative approach to developing a digital tool that aims to support occupational therapy practice
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Caring about carers
Kerry Micklewright refelcts on her experience of completing a systematic review
The role of occupational therapy after critical care
Merryn Turner talks about setting up a COVID critical care multidisciplinary team follow-up clinic during the first wave of the pandemic
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The right support , at the right time
Amy Smith reflects on the first six months of setting up a primary care occupational therapy service , with a focus on student mental health
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Collaboration and development to introduce a new assessment tool
Patty van Rooij explores the Children ’ s Cooking Task and describes another collaborative project to develop and embed the tool as an integral part of the occupational therapy assessment process
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Putting people ’ s needs at the heart of the service
A new service in Norfolk , part of a first response team , is prioritising keeping people independent in their own home . Sophie Tooke explains
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Bringing together health and social care
A look at how a pilot Integrated Care Fund project is creating a more seamless service and helping people to live as independently as possible in their own home
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Achieving health equity
Occupational Therapy Week 2021 : will you help further the discussions around achieving health equity in the UK ?
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Preparing for community living
Clodagh O ’ Farrell and Fiona Batty reflect on developing a group to prepare patients for community living
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Celebrating excellence in occupational therapy
A profile of 2021 ’ s RCOT award and grant winners
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Deadlines : Editorial : 26th of the month . Advertising : 1st of the month .
Occupational Therapy News is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd , a registered charity in England and Wales ( 275119 ) and in Scotland ( SCO39573 ), 106-114 Borough High Street , Southwark , London
SE1 1LB .
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