OTnews November 2024 | Page 53

Professional resources

Professional resources

BJOT next issue

Welcome to volume 87 , issue 11 of BJOT . This month , we ’ ve grouped our research into themes and you can read all our peer-reviewed articles at https :// journals . sagepub . com / home / bjo .
Engagement in meaningful occupations for people with dementia
HK Kristensen ’ s editorial discusses how engagement in meaningful occupations for people with dementia , can be a valuable source for maintaining the quality of life in institutional settings .
Since people with dementia may need support to achieve and maintain a meaningful everyday life , it is important to develop improvements in social and healthcare practices that include the resident ’ s individual perspectives and values .
Editor ’ s choice
The qualitative systematic review on men ’ s experiences of the transition to fatherhood during the first postnatal year , by C White and K Jarvis , is the editor ’ s choice article of the issue .
The paper synthesises transitional experiences of fathers during this period from an occupational therapy perspective , highlighting potential occupational disruption in this population and emerging roles for occupational therapists .
Research round-up
The research article by C Kelly and K McKeage contributes to emerging findings that an occupational therapy curriculum that emphasises critical reflection of personal narratives may improve student ability to understand diverse perspectives and perform client-centred care .
The key findings were that the study repeats findings that close reading of literary narratives improves empathic awareness in occupational therapy students , and suggests that personto-person interaction is essential to facilitating student levels of empathy .
The development of a driving clinical decision pathway ( CDP ) for non-driver trained occupational therapists is presented in the article by HM Scott and colleagues .
A detailed process for the development of an evidence-based driving CDP was provided along with preliminary evidence to support its content validity and clinical utility . The driving CDP developed is freely available for use by non-driver trained occupational therapists when addressing driving with clients in daily practice .
KA Jarvis et al then discuss the experiences and perceptions of stroke survivors and therapists when implementing constraintinduced movement therapy ( CIMT ) into practice in sub-acute stroke .
The study indicates that therapist perceptions may prevent the successful implementation of CIMT , and the importance of understanding stroke survivors ’ views of their rehabilitation interventions to ensure the potential of evidence-based interventions is appropriately harnessed .
The impact of early-stage dementia on everyday activities is explored by BM Edwards and colleagues in their research , which provides insight into the impact of early-stage dementia from the perspective of occupational therapy practitioners , people living with dementia and their supporters from a UK context .
The issue closes with the work by C Barnett et al , a qualitative study with occupational therapists on acceptability and usability of assistive equipment and technology ( AE & T ) by individuals with multiple sclerosis ( MS ).
The key findings were that cognitive challenges are perceived by occupational therapists as a critical element in adaptation , acceptability and usability of AE & T by individuals with MS , which can be influenced by the meaning of technology .
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