OTnews November 2024 | Page 5



Making a change Luke Telson-Sillett makes the case for retraining as an occupational therapist
Production and design officer Janine Reid
Chair Odeth Richardson
Editor Tracey Samuels
CEO Steve Ford
Production and design officer Suzanne Jefferson


A peer-assisted , long arm , project-based placement Charlotte Keeble and Gulmira Small describe a recent split placement in North Lanarkshire
Contacting OTnews
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Contacting RCOT
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Staying connected as an occupational therapist
David McLoughlin shares an initiative to improve supervision through a collaborative initiative
The occupational challenges of menopause
Claire Zamora asks if the menopause affects occupational performance and if so , are we talking about it enough ?
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Deadlines : Editorial : 26th of the month . Advertising : 5pm , 27th of the month .
OTnews is published on the 15th of each month by the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Ltd , a registered charity in England and Wales ( 275119 ) and in Scotland ( SCO39573 ), Phoenix House , 106-114 Borough High Street , Southwark , London SE1 1LB .
Pre-press and printed in England by The Lavenham Press Ltd , tel : 01787 247436


Making waves with occupational therapy The Wave Project is combining the therapeutic elements of the ocean with the adventure of surfing
November 2024 OTnews 5